We all have one, I suppose. A dark side.
Mine began as a child and has moved along with me through life. It’s a fascination in and love of those
strange creatures of the night … the vampire!

Who could mention Dracula without caling attention to the
greatest Count of all filmdom … Frank Langella from the 1979 film version.
And although I’m old enough to be his mother, once the
Twilight series of books was brought to the screen, I was immediately on Team
Edward, after seeing Rob Pattinson’s debut as the sensitive Edward Cullen.
So with Halloween just a few days off, my mind turns to
bats and these sensational appetiozers for Haloween parties … BAT WINGS! Don’t faint!
They’re really just barbecued chicken wings, but what a perfect effect
for the Holiday!
Bat Wings
2 lbs chicken wings (wings and
drummettes separated)
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3/4 cup Coca-Cola
chopped chives and black sesame
seeds for garnish
Put the chicken wings in a zip lock
bag and pour half the soy sauce on top.
Move the wings around in the bag until they are well-coated. Allow them
to marinade for 10- 15 minutes at room temperature.
Heat a wok or large skillet over
medium-heat. Saute the chicken wings until they are golden brown on each side
about 8 minutes. Pour the remaining soy and Coke into the wok. Bring the liquid
to a simmer. Simmer the wings for 15- 20 minutes, until the liquid is reduced
to a glaze.
Transfer the chicken to a plate,
garnish with chives and serve.
I'm NOT a fan of spooky movies but have to admit that Frank Langella was the most handsome man ever in the "Dracula" movie!! And oh, my, I remember how MUCH you loved "Barnabas Collins" and would RUSH home from school each afternoon to see "Dark Shadows"!!! The whole show was very "gothic" and not spooky at all! A great blog and perfect for Halloween!!