Sunday, June 29, 2014


I've been working on websites for the past fourteen years and I've read Blogs by several people.  But I never felt that I had anything to contribute.

So why am I doing this?

The main reason is that I think it will be good therapy. 

Recently, a very dear friend suggested that I journal about the things I have gone through, the ups and downs on this long and winding road.  So I thought maybe it would be easier if I just Blog instead of Journaling.  Maybe somewhere along the way, I'll post something that will be helpful or up-lifting to someone else.  I hope so.

Like most everyone, I have had so many storms in my life. I've had problems that I would have thought would be insurmountable ... but I survived.  And I survived because instead of focusing on the thunder and lightening of the storm, I simply learned to walk between the raindrops. 

My latest "challenge" came in October 2009, when my Diabetes affected my walking and my eyesight.  I can not walk unassisted and I'm almost blind in my left eye. I'm in a wheelchair full time and am now on Hemo Dialysis.  In Marcj of 2010, I ws told that I would not live to see aother Christmas.  But here I am, four years later and still kicking!  But even in my struggle, God has extended His tender mercies to me ... my speech was unaffected and I can type on a computer because it is lit up and I can see the letters!  So in the midst of my latest storm, a Miracle!

So I'm now a Blogger!  And I think this is going to be great fun, as well as good therapy. 

To tell you a little about myself ... I'm married to Steve, the Love of My Life.  But more about him in future posts!  We started our Journey together in Ohio in 1990, but in 2011 we moved to Florida.  I spent a lot of time there in Central Florida and in Fort Lauderdale when I was growing up and I WAS HOMESICK!

As time goes on, I'll tell about myself and my life, share my favorite things and tell you all about my Family of Dogs (we have several ... all Rescues).  But mostly this is a Blog about my kitchen and the magic that comes from there.  I’ll be sharing recipes mostly and I hope you’ll follow me and find a few things to add to your Recipe Box!

I hope to get lots of followers to my Blog ... and if YOU'RE a Blogger, please let me know, so I can follow you too! And please post whenever you can.  I hope to hear from YOU!

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